Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm intrigued, India

Despite knowing that Bollywood churns out more movies a year than Hollywood, I have never seen a Bollywood film. I know that a lot of them are musicals, which is something I often cringe at in American movies. But after seeing this:


I have to say I'm intrigued. I know that these probably aren't shining examples of what India has to offer, but I have to admit, they look pretty entertaining. Also, when looking for an introduction to Indian cinema, it described the movies as:
"Everything in Bollywood is larger than life and over the top. From emotions to outfits, story lines to locations, everything that would appear surreal and abnormal somehow becomes real and the norm."- Shiuuli
Clearly, there mus be a gold mine of great clips in there somewhere.

Anyway, the first clip is from the 1994 movie "Alluda Mazakha". Chiranjeevi refers to the name of the star actor.
judging from the horse skid (and the chase scene in general, which involved lots of cars flipping, exploding in a dramatic fashion, and other ridiculousness) the film is shaping up to look like it could be quite entertaining.
The second clip is from an 80's movie simply entitled "Karate". I've seen a few other clips from this movie, and I have to say, it looks entertainingly awful.
I'll keep you updated as I see 'em.